Journal of Legislation

Journal of Legislation is a major scholarly journal published by Notre Dame Law School. The current Editor-in-Chief is Emily Martin.

The Journal of Legislation (JLEG) is a legislative law review which focuses on analysis and reform of public policy. The primary purpose of the Journal is to provide a forum for debate of timely issues of state, national, and international stature. The Journal differs from traditional law reviews by concentrating primarily on statutory, regulatory, and public policy matters rather than on case law.

Prominent public figures and legal scholars contribute major pieces of legal analysis to the Journal in the form of "articles". We also publish substantial student-written pieces called "notes" and commentaries on recent legislation in our "legislative reform" section. The staff chooses topics for article solicitation, note writing, and legislative reform pieces based upon the current legislative and administrative policies of state, national, and international bodies. The staff solicits articles authors from among those public figures who influence politics.

The Journal believes in the open debate of all political ideologies and philosophical points of view. The main philosophy behind the Journal’s solicitation effort is that viewpoints and recommendations of public leaders are more likely to effect policy change than are technical analyses by lesser known experts. Therefore, the Journal has traditionally solicited legislators, judges, administrators, and prominent attorneys, as well as recognized experts from beyond the legal world.

The Journal is also dedicated to helping the individual student learn to think critically, research thoroughly, and write with precision and style. For this reason the Journal is proud to uphold the tradition of publishing student notes. Writing, editing, cite checking, and proofreading provide members with intense training in the art of legal writing. The Editorial Staff is available to help student staff members and contributors achieve these goals.

The Journal is financially self-sufficient, independently organized and completely student-run.

Notable contributors

External links